Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Baster

Betty Boughter bought some butter
But she said the butter's bitter
If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter

But a bit of better butter
Will make it better
Than the bitter butter

So she bought a bit of better butter
And put it in her batter
And her batter was not bitter
So t'was Betty Boughter
Bought a bit of better butter And put it in her Batter

And her batter was not bitter.

You are all basters.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Vdg's Must knows

Russian Reversals.

In Soviet Russia, asses kick YOU!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hello World

Welcome to VDG's blog world


Since my first post cannot be a tag post, I wont post a tag post. Ok henceforth, you shall be reading a lot of incoherent sentences, words that dont make sense and somethings that seem almost too good to be true.

But learn to believe

Yours truly,